
Certain turning points in human history have been defined by the creation or discovery of something profound. From stone tools to the birth of the Internet, we have shaped our own destiny through invention. These inventions act as historical punctuation points in our story that explores not only the inventions themselves, but also suggests the reasoning behind their development and their resulting effect on our lives.

Sci-TechKnoFest 2013 focused on the importance of inventions in shaping our destiny and improving our lives. It featured the new and very unique immersive exhibition titled "101 Inventions That Changed the World" which focuses on the top 101 Inventions that have transformed our world over eight distinct periods of time. The festival also showcased local creativity and scientific ingenuity in an effort to promote confidence and pride in our innate creative abilities and empower more of our people to engage in invention and innovation. The festival held up a mirror to encourage citizens to create the next inventions that will change our world.

Discover Science Through Our Discovery Bag

Using an ordinary school bag, patrons learnt and discovered science from things other than typical school books. Small pockets of visitors to Sci-TechKnoFest were heartily engaged by the treats coming out of our Discovery Bag. Everyone was prepared to gain knowledge about the awesome world of science in the most unconventional way!