NIHERST took the opportunity to showcase new and popular exhibits from its own National Science Centre (NSC) during each staging of Sci-TechKnoFest. These interactive displays are available for visit all year round during the normal opening hours at the NSC.

Sci-TechKnoFest 2013 showcased a smorgasbord of areas ranging from robotics to health, road safety to astronomy, an exciting interactive storytelling area, Virtual World and SimuLand among others!


Robomania exhibits focused on the rapidly expanding field of robotics. Consumer robotics are showcased with the automated Roomba vacuum cleaner and the fun, feature packed, AR.Drone quad-copter. The tactical SuperDroid LT2 demonstrated the important use of robots in dangerous situations to save lives. The Kondo humanoid robots show some of the challenges encountered in designing robots while visitors got to have fun playing robotic football.

The VEX and Mindstorms units demonstrated the progress made in making introductory robots less intimidating and easier to use for hobbyists. And industrial robotics application and programming were also demonstrated with the Rascal robotic arm.

Creative Design Laboratory

The Creative Design Lab showcases exhibited on some of the newest technologies in engineering and manufacturing. Visitors were be able to see, first hand, how we can now copy or alter and print a 3-dimensional object using a 3D scanner, AutoCAD and a 3D printer. Light was a central theme to many of our other exhibits. For example the Epilog laser cutter had shown how amplified light can be used to precisely cut and etch a wide variety of materials. Solar exhibits demonstrated how solar panels work and their practicality as an alternative power source. Our fibre optics display had shown how these tiny tubes can be used to effectively bend light and harness it for digital communication.


Eureka! Means "I have found it!"

This referred, in its original sense, to the discovery by Archimedes that ten pounds of pure gold from any source will displace the same bulk of water. The NSC exhibits at the SciTechKnoFest 2013 demonstrated science principles that were discovered many years ago but remain true even to this day.

Eureka featured exhibits on: Brain Development, Health and Wellness, Road Safety, Music, Nanotechnology, Mathemakits, Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy, and Natural Disasters.

Health and Wellness

This exhibition area brought awareness to the importance of practising good health through incorporating exercise, healthy nutrition, proper rest and good hygiene into one's everyday routine. It showcased healthy lifestyle choices that help minimize preventable chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. The area featured an array of interactive exhibits, demonstrations and displays, and also encompassed fitness and recreational activities as a healthy bonus to visitors.

Road Safety

Do you want to drink and drive? Talk on your phone while driving? Not wear seat belts? Or even jaywalk on the road? If you believe this to be right, you're WRONG!! NIHERST recognised the need for greater road safety awareness on our nation's roads, and promoted this with interactive exhibits that allowed visitors to experience how good judgement can be easily impaired and careless mistakes can lead to road casualties.


MathemaKits showcased several displays and tools that provided a more interactive and fun means of teaching mathematics. Developed by the National Council of Science Museums, India under the Government of India's Ministry of Culture, these kits visualised and materialised traditionally abstract concepts in numerology, fractions, algebra and geometry in order to increase student understanding and learning.

Virtual World

Virtual World 2.0 fascinated, awed, demonstrated, explained and applied the technologies used in two-way mirrors, multitouch screens, transparent projection film and the Xbox Kinect.

Virtual World 2.0 contained the following exhibit areas:

Smart Mirror

Mirrors attract people. When walking past a mirror people generally look at their reflections; some stop to check or fix their clothes; some draw closer and stand in front of them checking their makeup hair, etc. Smart Mirror is a seemingly normal mirror, that is of course, until you notice that this mirror is showing you more than your reflection.

Our Explainers explained the reflective properties of a regular mirror and the science behind two-way mirrors.

Touch Table

We are generally familiar with computer monitors that stand vertically or images projected on a vertical surface like a blank wall or projector screen. We are also familiar with phones, tablets and computer monitors having touch screens. However, we don't often see tables with large built-in multitouch screens. Welcome to the world of table top computing.

Our TouchTables provided a highly interactive experience for up to four (4) simultaneous users, where they used a wide array of apps that allowed them to play popular games; explore a city using Google Earth; rotate, view and resize photos and use a wide array of touch-enabled apps. For all intents and purposes, TouchTables act like giant tablet computers.

Holo Computers

The Holo Computers innovate on the concept of the computer kiosk, a traditional device which uses either physical buttons (like an ATM) or a touch screen (like a photo editing kiosk). It amps up the "cool" factor to "way cool" with the removal of the physical buttons and traditional touch screen and replaces them with transparent a touch screens.

With transparent screens being one of the recent tech trends seen to day, the Holo Computers fascinated and held the attention of visitors with their sleek clean slab-like body design where images appeared to float in the air.

Beam Me Up

Teleportation, "transporting a person or object across distance and space instantly" was made popular by the original Star Trek series featuring James T Kirk, captain of the star ship Enterprise. Subsequent versions of Star Trek including the latest Star Trek movie "Star Trek Into Darkness" continued that instant transport technique.

While we do not yet have the technology to teleport a person or object from one chamber to another, we do have the technology to make it appear to happen.

Immersive Story Telling

See popular children stories come alive right before your eyes and imagine yourself in the centre of it all. Sing, dance and have non-stop fun with your favourite nursery rhymes and karaoke songs in an exciting atmosphere where fun meets adventure.


Visitors were immersed in the October night sky, and navigated the vast field of stars that make up part of the Milky Way. They also seeked out constellations such as Ursa Major and its Big Dipper, Leo and other signs of the Zodiac. They also took the opposite journey through the molecular world with the characters of Molecularium.

Science vs The Spy

Visitors entered our obstacle course, faced off with science challenges and explored scientific innovations and concepts. They were also instructed how motion was detected and how researchers developed tools useful to man by mimicking the behaviour of objects in nature.

Patrons tested their dexterity and precision by getting through our laser maze; tested their endurance and determination by crawling 'army style' across our super-strength Velcro mat; and experienced a frictionless world by skating across our carpet field.


Visitors engaged themselves in flight command during takeoff and landing as they navigated a Boeing 737 via simulation provided by Professional Airline Training Solutions Ltd. (PRO-ATS). Located in Piarco, PRO-ATS is a unique local facility, offering flight training services to both aspiring and already qualified aircraft pilots.

Then patrons stepped into the world of deep-sea exploration as they controlled and understood the functions of an underwater Outland-1000 ROV simulator provided by Offshore Technology Solutions Ltd. (OTSL). Locally owned and operated, OTSL specializes in marine construction and maintenance, and sub-sea services in the oil and gas industry.