Dear Valued Stakeholder,

NIHERST maintains a robust Science popularisation programme.

The programme was designed to improve citizens' understanding of and engagement in Science, to develop their innovative capacity, to encourage students in their pursuit of Science studies and careers, and to nurture a national Science ethos.

The Institute’s extensive outreach programme promotes scientific and technological concepts using a range of non-traditional teaching methods.

The NIHERST Outreach Team is excited to visit your location.

The programme themes include: Astronomy, Energy, Environment, General Science, Healthy Lifestyles, Human Body, Natural Disasters, Natural Disasters and Physics.

In order to efficiently facilitate your request, we kindly ask that you request a visit via written correspondence reflecting the following:

  1. The use of your Institution’s approved letterhead (where possible)
  2. The addressee as NIHERST- President
  3. Inclusion of your proposed date for the NIHERST visit among other basic details (Ex. target audience, theme/topic)
  4. Authorized signature and/or stamp

Once your correspondence is received, kindly permit the team fourteen (14) business days to provide an official response to your request.

Correspondence must be emailed to /

We thank you for your interest in the Institute and we look forward to engaging with you in the near future.

Outreach Gallery